Server Side Paging in SQL Server
In this post i am giving sql server paging example... Basically SQL Server paging is useful for fetching the records from the database as per our requested count.
Working mechanism: if we want to fetch 100 records, first we have are going to fetch 10 records, next 10 records we have to ask by page 2. . if we give page 5 we are going to fetch 40 to 50 records.
In the below example first we are creating a table EmployeeTable, after that entering values into table after that creating view and then created stored procedure. This is one of the important sql server interview question
exec spPaging 1,5
--creating the table. create table dbo.EmployeeTable ( EmpId int identity primary key, EmpName varchar(40), Sal int ) go --inserting data into table insert into EmployeeTable values('ranga',2000),('rajesh',3000),('kumar',4000),('swapna',5000),('gopi',6000) --creating view. create view pagingView as select empid,empname,sal from EmployeeTable go --creating procedure CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spPaging] ( @PageNumber int, @PageRecordsSize int ) AS begin SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT TOP(@PageRecordsSize) * FROM ( SELECT Row_ID = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY empid), empid, empname, sal, TotalRows=Count(*) OVER() FROM pagingView ) A WHERE A.Row_ID > ((@PageNumber-1)*@PageRecordsSize) SET NOCOUNT OFF end go exec spPaging 1,5
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Server Side Paging in SQL Server |
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